Calendar: What to Read When

My "lectures" are linked below, as are any digital texts we will be reading. If you see a title in plain italics, that refers to a paper text, to Plato's Gorgias, for example. You can find those too in digital form; however, I would prefer it if you read the George Kennedy translation of Aristotle's Rhetoic.

Week 1

  1. Introduction to ENGL 8170
  2. What is Rhetoric?
  3. Rhetoric and Democracy
  4. The Physical and Political Context
  5. The five canons (offices or divisions or disciplines) of rhetoric
  6. Invention

Week 2

  1. Rhetoric's Precursors
  2. Sophists: Education and Politics
  3. Digression on Indirection

Week 3

  1. Isocrates
  2. Alcidamas, "Concerning Those Who Write Speeches"

Week 4

  1. Plato's Gorgias
  2. Notes on dialectic
    Two contemporary examples of dialectic

Week 5

  1. Phaedrus
  2. Some random thoughts on Phaedrus

Week 6

  1. Aristotle Book 1
    Study guide for Aristotle's Rhetoric
    Aristotle's ideas about knowledge
    Applied Aristotle

Week 7

  • Aristotle, Book 2
    Topics of what is good
    Topics of magnitude
    Twenty eight common topics
    False topics
  • Week 8

  • Aristotle, Book 3
  • Week 9

  • Differences between Greek and Roman rhetoric
  • Hellenistic Rhetoric -- From the Death of Alexander (323) to the death of Cleopatra (30): Scholastifcation of civic virtue
  • The Second Sophistic -- ad 37 (Reign of Nero) or earlier to 230 ad
  • Week 10

  • Quintilian (c. ad 35 -- 100)
  • Week 11

  • Early Christian Empire (Augustine)
  • Week 12

  • "Asian" Rhetoric
  • (example exam)